DZA and Nikhef: Cooperation agreement signed

DZA Nikhef Kooperation

The German Center for Astrophysics (DZA) and Nikhef (Netherlands) will collaborate in the field of scientific research for the Einstein Telescope. The aim is to give both institutes a leading position in the development of scientific instruments for the Einstein Telescope. The partners intend to develop joint proposals for new projects and coordinate their scientific work.  

The modalities of the collaboration will be discussed in the near future. Building on the success of the DZA and Nikhef projects, other European institutes may join. This declaration of intent is independent of the site applications for the Einstein Telescope.

The signing of the letter of intent took place today in Munich as part of a meeting on the Einstein Telescope at the stand of the Province of Limburg (NL) at the international trade fair Expo Real. Prof. Günther Hasinger, designated founding director and idea generator of the DZA, signed the letter of intent on behalf of the DZA. Prof. Stan Bentvelsen signed on behalf of Nikhef. Stan Bentvelsen is Director of Nikhef and Scientific Director of the Einstein Telescope EMR Project Office.

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